Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rain, Rain, Rain...

Since the weather doesn't seem to want to make anyone happy, I've resorted to finding pictures of cute rainboots to perk myself up. When it rains, you might as well be dressed in style!

Bean's Wellies, Print
I really, really like the L.L. Bean boots shown above. Even though I cannot help myself when I see plaid, these are perfect rainboots! They're L.L. Bean, so you know they're well made and practical, and hello...they're PLAID.
The Original Wellington for Women in Fuschia
Of course, these would be my favorites. There're some girls at my school that wear the silver Hunter boots... and I just much prefer pink! It's so happy! I've never seen it in person, though, but I hope the color is the same as in the picture!
The Original Wellington for Women in Green
These are the rainboots that I have. They're classic Hunter boots and I actually wore them to school yesterday as it was absolutely pouring. And, oh my goodness, there are these inserts that you can put in the boots that are extremely fuzzy socks and they're SO CUTE! So, there I was yesterday in my green Hunters and pink wellie socks, while everyone else was in their unoriginal black (...or silver...) boots and it felt great. Pink and green!

Speaking of pink and green, here are some ADORABLE Lilly wellies that were available a couple of years ago! I know that it's horrible for me to post these boots when they're not available anymore! Does anyone have these? I'm so jealous!

I hope that everyone has a fabulous day!!

xoxo, Hannah


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