Sunday, January 29, 2012

Equestrian Inspired Fashion

I absolutely adore any and all things equestrian inspired. I wrote a post a looong time ago called "Equestrian Style" and it featured editorials and advertisements with horseback riding outfits, but I'd like to show y'all the basics to creating your own equestrian inspired outfits!!


Ralph Lauren Buchanan Cabled Patch Crewneck
I looooove sweaters with "gun patches" on the shoulder. One of my favorite RL sweaters has one, and I wear it all of the time!! They're kind of an addiction in my family. Ralph Lauren is the only brand I've come across that has them, but to be honest, they're the best you can buy anyway. 


Ralph Lauren Palmero Suede Patch Jodphur

If you want to get really into the equestrian look, buy some jodphurs!! Above, the RL jodphurs are so pretty. They're the more expensive and less authentic option...the "fashion" choice. 

Devon-Aire All Pro Hipster Riding Breeches
The alternative is real jodphurs from a horseback riding outfitter website. I have a riding store 5 minutes away from me which is great for all of my equestrian inspired needs. I used to wear black "winter jodphurs" from Kerrit, which were basically thick, fleece, black leggings with suede patches. I don't know what the best brands for jodphurs are, though, but I can always ask my equestrian best friend, hDb!!


Ralph Lauren Leather Stirrup Wrap Bracelet
This is an extremely pricey bracelet, but I had to include it. It's so pretttyyyy. 

Ralph Lauren Silk Equestrian Scarf
RL has great equestrian themed scarves available on their website!!


Etienne Aigner Chastity Boots
I absolutely adore these boots. I like how they're two toned!! 

Ralph Lauren Stara Equestrian Boot
Finally, these boots have the classic RL equestrian print on them!! It's so cool!! 

Have a great day!! I have my birthday party tonight and I'm super excited!!

xoxo, Hannah


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