Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Twilight: Eclipse Premiere Party

So, it's not a secret to most people- I am a Twihard. I love anything and everything Twilight related and was super-excited for the premiere of the 3rd movie in the series, Eclipse, on June 29th. As soon as they went on sale, I bought midnight premiere tickets and started planning a party for the other Twidiots in my life. I had been so inspired by these Twiparties at Hostess Blog and Wedding Chicks and had an awesome time getting everything together for the big night!

Special thanks to Misty Dawn- a huge Twifan and super talented wedding photographer- for the pics!! And thanks to Meg of Sweet Peas for the perfect centerpiece!! Lastly, thank you to the Twihards for bringing quite clever snacks to go along with the theme, and for being so fun to celebrate with! Cant wait til Breaking Dawn, Part 1!!

I covered the wedding canvases with paper and graphics to mimic the covers of each book- it was my very favorite touch- they looked fantastic!!

"I'm on a special diet".....a special diet of red candy! We loaded up on snacks before hitting the theater and ran on a sugar buzz all night

Funky centerpiece by Sweet Peas fit the theme perfectly! It even SPARKLED!!!

Some of the best quotes from the books and TONS of candlelight all over the place!

Guests chose their "team" and posed for photos in front of that poster. Those will not be posted :P

YUM! Vampire Venom was delicious! We had lots of choices for those that were "thirsty."

hehehe, for those in the know....this sign was hanging in the powder room :)

Edward was very pleased with the party! He can't wait til the next one!


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