Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of 2011!

Here is my huge post of everything from 2011!!

I got a car!!

I went to Arizona for Spring break!

I was in 2 musicals!!

I saw the wonderfully amazing Lady Gaga in concert!

I went to prom!

I interned at a barn for disabled children!

I  moved to a new town!

I went on college visits!!

I had a GREAT time at my last homecoming!!

I got into college!!

I went skiing!!

Here is my playlist of most memorable songs for 2011:

I hope everyone has a great New Year's!!! I'm having some friends come over for a little New Year's get together (I'm taking tons of pictures, so y'all will see later!) and I can't wait! What are y'all doing? Let me know!

xoxo, Hannah


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