Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sneak Peek of my Future Dorm Room Bedding!!

My mother has been collecting Lilly Pulitzer bedding and other various dorm room accessories for when I go to college this fall! While she was unpacking it all last week, she snapped a few pictures for me to put on my blog. Here is a super sneak peek of my dorm room stuff!!

I had these Lilly picture frames in my old room...

This is an adorable jewelry stand!

Seersucker and printed sheets...

MY BEDSPREAD. So excited. LOOOOOOOOVE this print.

More sheets..

I think these are pillow cases? I don't know??


The cutest hanging board!!

Adorable wall art!!

A PINK iron!!

What do y'all think? I'm only in the early stages of thinking about my dorm room (as I have yet to get into the college I want to go to, haha), but I think I'm off to a pretty good start? Are there any suggestions/tips for dorm rooms? I'm going to make a super post later on in the process about setting up my dorm room, but any advice y'all have would be great!! 

To continue on with my Downton Abbey Post, OH MY GOSH!! It was so good!!! My mother and I watched it twice so that we could understand everything, but oh my goodness gracious, we loved it. I can't wait for next week's episode!!

Also, this isn't a big deal so don't worry, but tomorrow I'm getting another foot surgery!! It's no big deal though!! My freshman and sophomore years of high school I had a "bunionectomy" on both of my feet just to straighten them out, and the titanium plate that is in my left foot is...well it looks like the screw is trying to come out. SO, I'm having an out-patient procedure tomorrow to have it removed! It's no biggie!!

Have a great day!!

xoxo, Hannah


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