Tuesday, February 8, 2011

This Weekend

I'm really excited for this weekend because my school is hosting two fun events on Friday and Saturday night. On Friday, two boys in my class are throwing a techno concert...it sounds weird, I know. I'm not even that into "techno", but all my friends are going and I hope it will be fun. Unfortunately, I don't know what to wear, and since everything I own is Lilly Pulitzer, I think I'm going to have a hard time. I'll probably end up wearing jeans and something pink!

Then, on Saturday night, I am SO excited because the junior and senior classes are having a Murder Mystery party! It's a bi-annual event for upperclassmen, and I've been looking forward to it for years. The theme is "roaring 20's" so I'll be all prepared in my flapper gear. Last week, we were handed our character packets (for those who signed up) and I'm Chirp, this coat check girl who stands at the door. It sounds like a bad part, but she's involved somehow with the main guy (who's played by one of my favorite seniors). The character packet says that I should wear some time of "uniform" but I honestly don't know what to do for that, so I think I'm going to wear this really pretty black Ralph Lauren dress. It's like a shift dress, but it's sparkly and kind of 20's-esque. 

I'll try to post pictures from this weekend! I'm always really bad about getting people to take pictures of me during events but now I'll be inspired to!! Have a great day y'all!!

xoxo, Hannah


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