Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Help Me, Readers!!

Winter formal is Saturday, and since I've chosen the dress (the strapless Lilly - here's the link for the previous winter formal predicament post), it's time for the jewelry! When I tried on the dress, I felt kind of naked with just diamond/pearl studs on, so I think that I need a necklace to finish the whole look. Here are my choices:

The first choice is a very pretty necklace from Kate Spade.

The second, from J. Crew...

again, from J. Crew...

and lastly, from J. Crew. I love this but I think it's too much...

And then there's the bracelet. I'm kind of aloof about the decision about it. It's okay if it stays, it's okay if it goes. I'm also not as pale as the picture shows!

The ring is pretty much staying.

So what should I do? My mother and I are at a loss because we love all of the necklaces! I'm leaving it up to y'all!! Let me know which one y'all think I should wear!

xoxo, Hannah


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