Monday, April 4, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

Thank you so much What Miss Loves for giving me the Stylish Blogger Award! 

Here are the rules: 
1. Link back and thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 5 recently discovered blogs.
4. Contact them and tell them about their award.

Here are my seven facts!!
1. I love working out. I go to the gym (my personal favorite is Equinox!) at least 5-6 days a week, and I can't get enough of it!

2. The only food I really don't like are tomatoes, even though I looove Ketchup. I will eat almost anything, though. I love food!!

3. I am the shortest person in my family!! Even though I am not actually short (I'm 5'6), I'm still smaller than my other family members. My mom is 5'8, brother is 6'1, and dad is 6'3!! 

4. I can't fall asleep that easily, so I have to wear an eyemask to block out the light. I can't sleep without it!!

5. I have been wanting to rush a sorority since I was a little girl!! Only 1 more year left until I finally can!!

6. I never listen to mainstream music. I'm completely obsessed with alternative rock music!! All of my friends are really surprised because the music on my iPod is a lot darker and angrier than my personality!! My favorite bands to listen to are My Chemical Romance and Panic! at the Disco. 

7. I was Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz for Halloween 5 years in a row.

I tag...
5. Miss Lindsay at Vineyard Loveknots

Have a great day!!

xoxo, Hannah


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