Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Get to Know Proud to Plan: Danielle

Photo courtesy of Jennifer Childress Photography
Tell us about yourself:
I live in Wilmington, DE and have my whole life. I bought a house 2 years ago with my husband, Andrew, and we've been updating it ever since (more him than me, I just get in the way). It's exhausting, but I'm loving the end results. We have a small white fluffy puppy named Benny who's the love of my life and can do no wrong. 

Where do you live?:
Wilmington, DE

Give us three words that best describe your personality:
Focused, realistic and a tad OCD

How did you get involved in the event industry?:
After planning my wedding and finishing undergrad, I really had a lot of time on my hands. I had fun planning my own wedding, so I contacted Erin the rest, as they say, is history!

What's your favorite part of a couple's wedding day?:
Seeing all the details come together and watching the bride walk down the aisle. I love me a "happily ever after!"

When you're not doing events, what do you do?:
My "day job" is an accountant at the University of Delaware. I also work at the mall one night a week at a store called Williams-Sonoma (its a kitchen store) and currently I am training for a half marathon. I'm back in school (again!) to take some continuing education credits at the University of Delaware in accounting. So when I'm not doing all of that, I enjoy hanging out with my husband and puppy. 

Do you have any hobbies? Or what do you do for fun?:
Well I guess I kind of answered some of those questions above, but I like to exercise (well I don't particularly enjoy it, I just like the results), going to school and laying on the couch and watching TV. 

Fun question, If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?:
PASTA!!! I love carbs, they are my fav, hence why I need to work out so much.


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