Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ideas for Unique Table Numbers

It seems like such a trivial part of your wedding table decor, but you have to wonder what ever happened before the invention of table numbers? For planners, they are a dream come true- a simple way to make sure guests get to their seats in a swift and timely manner- saving many a headache.

For most of you, at the majority of weddings or large parties you have been to, your tables were probably marked with a simple number or table tent. But don't miss out on an easy way to make your wedding more personal. Many of these table number ideas are DIY and you and your guy can have fun making them together at home (if only you could convince him)! How do I love thee table cards? Let me count the ways...

Simple with a spin...
Keep it simple with these iron numbers that resemble house numbers you might find in your neighborhood. There's a very high chance you will be able to use them again- some way, somehow. 
Lose the numbers...
You don't have to stick to the norm. Try naming your tables along with the theme of your wedding, after historic places in the city you wedding is taking place in, or some of your favorite things as a couple. You can put the name of each of these, or simply the picture and have your guests find the picture that matches the name on their place card. The picture below is from Beverly and Chuck's wedding, where they had us print their table cards with their favorite places to eat in the city!
Beverly and Chuck's Wedding
Photo courtesy of Lindsay Docherty Photography
Hold the number...
Literally! Take a bunch of photos of you and your man holding numbers- switch up the scene, change outfits, make funny faces, whatever you like. It will give your guests a good look into your fun personalities. 
Chalk it up...
Find little chalkboards at the craft store or buy a can of chalkboard paint and make your own! Use white or colored chalk to make a handmade table card that can easily be used again and again- at least to teach your future children how to count from 1-10!
Find the wine to dine...
Use wine bottles with personalized numbered labels and place them at the center of each table. Leave pens on the table for guests to sign their tables' bottle. The best part? You keep all the bottles at the end of the night- open table number 1 on your first wedding anniversary, table number 2 on your second and so on. Just like your love, wine gets better with age too.
Sarah and Andy's Wedding
Photo courtesy of Smirnov Weddings
Frame it...
Use matching or mix-matched frames to create a vintage and unique feel. Buy new or buy reused from any local consignment or antique store. These too can be used again for other parties or to decorate your new house!
Queen of hearts...
Not going for the classic look? Take a funky spin and use a deck of cards to mark your tables. Collect them at the end of the night and use them to play card games at the after party.
Street signs...
Lovers Lane, Bliss Avenue, Forever Alley...make it as cheesy as you want with table numbers named after wedding themed streets!
Light it up...
Multitask with table cards made out of lights and candles. They will add a nice glow to the room while also making it easier for your guests to spot their tables.
Read into it...
Get old vintage books at local flea markets and decorate them however you like. It's perfect for the book worm in you. 
Count it out...
Give your guests a challenge with this cute take on table numbers. Perfect for all those teachers out there!
Get creative...
Think of what each number means in your relationship...years you have been together, your anniversary date, number of kids you want to have, how many days you will be on your honeymoon, the list goes on.
If you don't have time to get crafty and creative with you table numbers but still want to make them more personal, consider having them made to match your color scheme! Or if you have a motif that was on your invitation, carry it through and have it on each table number. The possibilities are endless when it comes to ideas for your table numbers. This is one aspect of your wedding you definitely don't want to just settle on.


*images not sourced were found through Google


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