Monday, December 19, 2011

Thank You Note Etiquette

The wedding is over, you enjoyed your honeymoon, everything's over...or is it? Did you send your thank you notes yet? Think of it as your final wedding responsibility on your wedding checklist. The thank you note may seem daunting but it is one of the most important details because it shows your appreciation to your guests for sharing in your special day. You may have said "Thank you" to each guest during your reception or spoke to them on your phone prior. However, this is not a substitute for a formal thank you note for a wedding gift. You must send a thank you card with a handwritten note for each gift received. This also applies to guests who helped with your wedding or who were in your wedding. It may seem like this inevitable task that is going to take forever, but if you break it down over a few days, they will be in the mail and you can enjoy newlywed life!

Here are a few guidelines for writing your Thank You Notes:

Time Period
You may have heard that you have up to one year to send your thank you notes. This is actually not true! It is proper etiquette to send them within three months of your wedding. However, if your three months have come and gone and you still have not sent them, you still have to send them. Better late than never! If you receive gifts prior to the wedding, you should send a thank you note immediately. This ensures to the guest that you received the gift and it was not lost in shipment. Plus, this helps you in the long run and gets a few out of the way early. NOTE: Bridal shower thank you notes should be sent within two weeks of the shower.
When writing your thank you notes, keep these tips in mind:
-You should include a few lines referring to the gift that you received. For example, "Thank you for the china setting you gave us, we can't wait to use them for Thanksgiving dinner next year. We will think of you every time you we use our new dishes."
-For monetary gifts, do not mention the amount. Refer to it as "your generous gift" and tell them how you plan to use the money. For example, "Thank you for your generous gift, we plan to use your gift towards a down payment for our first home. It is much appreciated."
-Never mention that the gift was returned! It's the thought that counts. 
-Thank guests who traveled to your wedding. "For example, "It meant a lot to us that you traveled so far to attend our wedding."
-Along with thanking guests for the gift, be sure to thank the guest for coming to the wedding. It lets them know they weren't invited just for a gift. 
-If the guest did not give a gift, it is still important to send a thank you card. Be gracious, and let them know that you were happy that they were able to share in your big day. 
Addressing & Sending
When addressing the envelope, you should use "Mr and Mrs." However, inside of the card, you can use the guest's first names if they are well known to you. Be sure to address each individual who attended and signed the gift's card. It is appropriate to always handwrite the address, however, it is okay to have your return address pre-printed or use a label.
Types of Thank You Notes/Cards
There are many types of thank you notes that you can use. Many printers offer thank you notes with the same design as your wedding invitation or your monogram. Sometimes photographers offer thank you notes with a wedding photo on the front. Many of these options offer a pre-printed "thank you" inside of the card. This is fine, however, you must write a handwritten personalized note as well. "Thank you for the gift" is simply not enough! So remember, no pre-printed thank you card without a personal note is acceptable!
Some other things to remember:
-Always send bridal shower thank you notes separate from wedding thank you cards. Two separate events/gifts, two separate thank you cards.
-If a group of guests gives you a gift, it is appropriate to send each person an individualized thank you note. Never send a group note.
-It's nice to send a thank you note to your vendors. They helped make your day special and if you feel they provided exceptional service, you should recognize them for it. They enjoy receiving thank you notes that they can show as testimonials. 
-Be sure to send a thank you note to family and friends who arranged showers and parties. It is nice to thank them for doing this. It is expectable to thank them in the same card you send thanking them for the gift.
-This may seem like a silly point but use blue or black ink when writing out your thank you notes. It's easier to read!


These are just a few Thank You Cards that we have created! Check out Paper by Proud for some ideas and keep us in mind when you are thanking about your thank you cards.


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