Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How Getting Relief From Soothing Creams After Laser Hair Removal?

Just got home from a laser hair removal session and feeling all uncomfortable with that mild "sunburn" on your skin? Or you are simply weeks away, waiting for your schedule and feeling all worried about the expected reddening and swelling after the procedure? Well, you better be acquainted of creams expected to give you the relief from your worries and those side effects which keep you uneasy.

Usually after a hair removal session using laser technology, redness and swelling occur. Irritation happens due to the fact that heat energy is directly emitted to the dermal layers of the skin which causes the area to appear a little puffy or swollen, particularly on the areas around the hair follicles. The areas around the hair follicles are affected since Melanin, the target of the laser beams, are abundant in this spot. These side effects normally disappear ranging from a recovery period of just hours to a number of days, depending on the area treated, and these may vary from just simple reactions such as reddening to slight swelling, to compound sensations or side effects such as burning sensations and blistering. Take note, that for cases having severe skin irritation characterized by the presence of blisters and severe burning sensation, please do report to your laser clinic or submit yourself to your doctor for prompt management of the complications.

After the treatment, or even before you have started your treatment, you are taught and then re-oriented on how to take care of your skin after undergoing laser hair removal in order to avoid further irritation. It should be that you take good care of the area after the procedure since this procedure does not require of you a prolonged stay at a recovery unit. Aside from avoiding the hair-removing rituals of shaving, plucking and waxing, and regularly performing the routine washing of the area with the use of mild cleansers, comforting creams may also be utilized as it can be of help in the repair of the skin. Lotions, for this matter, are usually prescribed. There are a variety of emollients or creams in the market. Some have petroleum jelly, some have aloe components, and some are composed of zinc oxide which is a substance used to relieve burns. Others may be added with vitamin E for rejuvenation of damaged dermal cells, and hydrating components to keep the skin moisturized as it had undergone intense exposure to heat energy.


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